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- ReKick 39.64s
- ReCode 39.6
- ReKick ReKick
- ReKick
- ReKick 39.64s by Thomas Kessler
- Note: This ReKick version is only working with kickfiles which
- were modified with 'KickShifter' by Martin Berndt for the
- ShapeShifter Macintosh-II emulator by Christian Bauer.
- 'ReKick [-[c|C|q|Q]] [filename]' - A tool to run special test
- Kickstarts on A2000/A500/A600 machines
- ReKick is a tool for A2000, A500 and A600 systems with at least 1Meg
- of AutoConfig RAM at $200000. It, along with the special kickstart
- files designed for ReKick, will let developers and beta testers of
- our new kickstarts boot into the kickstart.
- ReKick does *NOT* require that the autoconfig memory be the first
- board in the system and thus will work with systems that have
- A2091 with RAM or A590 with RAM. (Since the drive part configured
- before the RAM did...) Also, ReKick will fully configure the boards
- using the new kickstart. This means that there are no limitations
- to the type of boards that the system should correctly understand
- with ReKick vs ROM kickstarts.
- ReKick works by first checking to see if the system has memory
- to support it. It will then check for a file in DEVS:Kickstart.
- This file can be the coded original or a decoded ReCode-version.
- After the file has been loaded and checked, ReKick will print a
- notice and give you 3 seconds to abort the reboot. If you do not
- reboot, you will be booted into the normal boot process of the
- new, beta kickstart.
- Since ReKick will quietly fail if there is no DEVS:Kickstart or
- if you have already been ReKick'ed, it is very easy to just have
- ReKick as the first line of the startup-sequence.
- ReKick can also be started from Workbench. When started from
- Workbench, it will take any command line parameters and it will
- not give you a chance to abort it.
- A valid kickstart file in DEVS:Kickstart or in the file name
- given at the command line.
- Supported parameters:
- '-c' makes ReKick to ignore the kickfile-checksum
- '-q' causes a quiet startup (no textoutput & waiting) but you can
- stop the things of course by pressing ctrl-C
- Both parameters may be combined like this: '-cq' or '-qc'
- Crunched input:
- Starting with 39.63 the kickfile may also be packed with the
- PowerPacker by Nico François. You do NOT need the powerpacker.lib.
- (File must start with 'PP20'.)
- Starting with 39.64 the kickfile may also be packed with the FImp
- FileImploder by A.J. Brouwer. You do NOT need the explode.lib.
- The FImp crunches better and decrunches faster than the PPacker.
- (File must start with 'IMP!'.)
- If you specify a quiet startup using the '-q' parameter, the
- flashing colors while decrunching won't be shown.
- A system running the beta Kickstart
- This ReKick version is only working with kickfiles which were
- modified with 'KickShifter' by Martin Berndt for the ShapeShifter
- Macintosh-II emulator by Christian Bauer.
- Due to the fact that you are not really in ROM with the kickstart,
- and since this trick does not use the MMU (it works on 68000 machines)
- the ROM is *not* write protected. Writes to ROM may well crash the
- system.
- Due to the methods required for BootMenu to operate, BootMenu may
- not be possible with ReKick'ed machines.
- Note that the command line parameter is only parsed for the
- parameters 'c' and/or 'q' and that the rest of the commandline is
- assumed to be a complete file name. This means that if you wish to
- have the file "test disk:kickstart file" used you would use:
- 'ReKick test disk:kickstart file'
- or 'ReKick -c test disk:kickstart file' without checksum-validating
- or 'ReKick -q test disk:kickstart file' without textoutput and waiting
- No quotes are required since it only takes the one filename.
- ReCode ReCode
- ReCode
- ReCode 39.6 by Thomas Kessler
- ReCode - A tool to decode special BETA-Kickstarts (use CLI/Shell!)
- ReCode is a tool for all those people who want to have their own
- modified BETA-Kickstart without some requester or something other.
- ReCode needs a 0.5Meg memory-block to load, decode and to save the
- BETA-Kickstart. So you need an AMIGA with more than 512KB CHIP or
- with enough FAST-Ram.
- ReCode will quietly fail if some error appears. So check for enough
- disk/hd/memory-space before running ReCode.
- A coded BETA kickstart file as the first parameter and a destination
- file name as second parameter given at the command line.
- ReCode <sourcefile> <destinationfile>
- A decoded beta Kickstart file
- Do *NOT* use spaces in the file names, because a space means the
- end of the file name.